This course introduces the design of intelligent agents, including the fundamental problem-solving and knowledge-representation paradigms of artificial intelligence. Topics to be covered include state-space and problem reduction methods, brute-force and heuristic search, two-player games, and recent developments in game AI. For knowledge representation and reasoning, we will cover propositional and first-order logic and their inference algorithms. Finally, the course covers probabilistic approaches to AI, such as Bayesian networks to improve the agent’s performance with experience.
This course requires knowledge of basic computer science, algorithms and complexity (CS180), and programming principles.
Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. (3rd Edition), Pearson 2009.
Programming Language
- Time: Tuesday and Thursday 2:00PM - 3:50PM
- Location: Boelter 3400
- Instructor: Quanquan Gu (Email: qgu at cs dot ucla dot edu)
- Teaching Assistant:
- [Xuheng Li] (Email: xuhengli99 at ucla dot edu)
- [Jiafan He] (Email: jiafanhe19 at ucla dot edu)
- [Weitong Zhang] (Email: weightzero at ucla dot edu)
- [Yue Wu] (Email: wuy at ucla dot edu)
- Discussion Sections:
- Dis 1A - Xuheng Li - Boelter Hall 5280 - 10am - 11:50am
- Dis 1B - Jiafan He - Boelter Hall 5419 - 12pm - 1:50pm
- Dis 1C - Weitong Zhang - Franz Hall 1178 - 2pm - 3:50pm
- Dis 1D - Yue Wu - Dodd Hall 170- 4pm - 5:50pm
- Office hours:
- The instructor’s office hour is Wednesday 9:00-10:00am in EVI 382.
- The TA’s office hour is:
- Xuheng Li, Tuesday 12:00PM - 2:00PM, Boelter 3256S-D
- Jiafan He, Monday 10:00 - 12:00PM boelter 3256S-D
- Weitong Zhang, Thursday 4:00PM - 6:00PM, Boelter 3256S-A
- Yue Wu, Wednesday 2:00 - 4:00PM, Boelter 3256S-D
- Course Website: https://uclaml.github.io/CS161-Winter2023/
- Course Forum: https://piazza.com/ucla/winter2023/cs161/home (If you haven’t already, sign up here.)
Grading Policy
Grades will be computed based on the following factors:
- Homework 20%
- Quiz 5%
- Midterm 35%
- Final 40%
# | Date | Topics | Reading | Homework |
1 | 1/10 | About Course slides, Introduction: What is AI? slides | Chapter 1,2 | |
2 | 1/12 | Problem solving as search & Uninformed search strategies slides annotated slides | Chapter 3 | |
3 | 1/17 | Uninformed search strategies slides annotated slides | Chapter 3 | HW1 Out |
4 | 1/19 | Informed search strategies slides annotated slides | Chapter 3 | |
5 | 1/24 | Local Search Algorithms slides annotated slides | Chapter 4 | HW1 Due, HW2 Out |
6 | 1/26 | Constraint satisfaction slides annotated slides | Chapter 6 | |
7 | 1/31 | Constraint satisfaction slides annotated slides | Chapter 6 | HW2 Due, HW3 Out |
8 | 2/2 | Constraint satisfaction slides annotated slides | Chapter 6 | |
9 | 2/7 | Game playing slides annotated slides | Chapter 5 | |
10 | 2/9 | Game playing slides annotated slides | Chapter 5 | Hw4 Out |
11 | 2/14 | Propositional logic slides annotated slides | Chapter 7 | HW3 Due |
2/16 | Midterm Exam | |||
12 | 2/21 | Propositional logic slides annotated slides | Chapter 7 | |
13 | 2/23 | First-order logic: representation slides annotated slides | Chapter 8 | HW4 Due |
14 | 2/28 | First-order logic: representation slides annotated slides | Chapter 8 | HW5 Out |
15 | 3/2 | First-order logic: inference slides annotated slides | Chapter 9 | HW6 Out |
16 | 3/7 | Reasoning under uncertainty slides annotated slides | Chapter 11 | HW5 Due |
17 | 3/9 | Reasoning under uncertainty slides annotated slides | Chapter 13 | |
18 | 3/14 | Bayesian Networks slides annotated slides | Chapter 13 | |
19 | 3/16 | Bayesian Networks slides annotated slides | Chapter 13 | HW6 Due |
3/22 | 3:00PM-6:00PM Final Exam |
Academic Integrity Policy
Students are encouraged to read the UCLA Student Conduct Code for Academic Integrity.
There will be 6 homework assignments during the semester as we cover the corresponding material. Homework consists of both problem solving and programming. The lowest homework score will be dropped for you.
Unless otherwise indicated, you may talk to other students about the homework problems but each student must hand in their own answers and write their own code in the programming part. You also must indicate on each homework with whom you collaborated and cite any other sources you use including Internet websites. Students should never see another student’s solution before submitting their own. Students cannot use old solution sets for this class or solution manual to the textbook under any circumstances.Homework assignments will be submitted through bruinlearn.
Please submit your homework on time. Homework is worth full credit before the due date. It is worth zero credit after the due date.
There will be 6 in-class paper-based quiz for the purpose of reviewing the newly learned concepts. The quizzes are open textbook. We will drop the lowest quiz score for you.
There will be one midterm and then final. The exam is in person and open book and note. You are not allowed to discuss with other people.